Monochrome Weekly - Armory

Monday, January 4, 2010

Located in downtown Olympia is the Washington National Guard HQS 2D BN 146th FA Armory.

For more Monochrome Weekly shots click here.


  1. l'alia-du Says:

    pelin quemado el cielo pero muy bella, saludos

  2. It is huge---was it full of arms (military type) at one time. When i typed in arms my weird mind pictured human arms stacked like cordwood. I know I need help. MB

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Oh No! Human arms. That's a good one and so is your photo.

  4. brian stout Says:

    That's a lot bigger than our armory! This looks cool in monochrome, and I'll pray there aren't stacks of arms inside!

  5. Holy cow Mary Beth, human arms?!? Now look what you've started.

  6. Lowell Says:

    Now this is what an armory should look like - solid, sturdy, unassailable. I figured the building would be surrounded by concrete blocks.

    We have a reserve army unit/armory building in Ocala that is totally surrounded by huge concrete blocks. I think it's a waste; I mean, really, who's gonna attack a bunch of downhome soldiers in Ocala, Florida?

  7. tapirgal Says:

    This is great. It looks perfect in black and white! Nice framing around the pix. I hadn't mentioned that before.

  8. jeff. Says:

    so glad to learn of your blog -- I've added you to my RSS feeds. It's great getting to see pictures of the city of my birth.

  9. kiwi-poette Says:

    Wonderful photo. The sparse trees and stark architecture are completely in sync with the stark color. Amazing.

  10. Jacob: I've always liked the architecture and as you said, the solid look of this armory.
    P.S. If you were to be attacked in Ocala you could just hit golf balls at them.Take that you bunch of wimps!!

    tapirgal: Thank you. You know I tried this one in B&W and it just didn't look right. This is done in infrared. I do appreciate the compliment on the framing too.

    jeff: Welcome, and thank you very much. How long did you live here?

    kiwi-poette: Thank you also for stopping by. Glad you liked it.

  11. AB Says:

    Looks very stately in black and white

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