If you were standing where yesterday's photo was taken, turned around and walked to the other side of the overpass, this would be your view. Note the fish ladder on the left which was featured in a previous post here. See the walking trail on the right? You can walk from the bridge in yesterday's post down this way, then cross over at the lower falls and walk back up the other side.
16 hours ago
I'd enjoy walking there and seeing the fish ladder. Now I know what to do next time I'm up that way.
It is a beautiful place to walk! I would have no trouble getting motivated if I had scenery like that.
Beautiful and nice shot !! Beautiful !
This is even better! Have a wonderful weekend!
I like this shot, a lot! Love those colors & the rushing water!!!
So very nice. How do you get any work done in Olympia with all these beautiful treasures from Mother Nature?
Thanks everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend!
I wonder if these are recent shots. It alls seems rather brown. Has Spring green not yet arrived in Olympia?!
AB: This was taken the day before the post. Most trees are just starting to get their leaves now so that's probably why it gives that impression. It'll be all leafy and green in no time. :-)