Monochrome Weekend - Stuck in the Mud

Monday, March 8, 2010

One of the many things that turned up when they drained Capitol Lake recently.

See the world in a different light over at The Monochrome Weekend.

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  1. brian stout Says:

    mmm.. a big donut =)

  2. AB Says:

    Great composition.

  3. Lynette Says:

    Gosh, it looks a lot like a whitewall tire, doesn't it? Nasty thing for someone to do, though, throw it into the lake. Nasty.

  4. Draining is full of not so nice surprises.

  5. Hilda Says:

    Sigh. Always…

    But wow, they weren't kidding about draining the lake, were they? I find it absolutely amazing. I can't even imagine how it was done.

  6. Lois Says:

    Fabulous shot, especially in black and white. There is no telling what else they will find! When our lake drained the last time, there was a community clean up organized and all kinds of stuff was picked up.

  7. Yolanda Says:

    Love this shot! There's a bit of reflection, mud, and the unlikely existence of the tire. Nice capture of the not-so-nice litter. Like that it is in b/w too!

  8. brian stout: I'm guessing it'd be pretty chewy too. :-)

    Lois: That's a wonderful idea. I don't know if they performed any cleanup this time or not. I know their main objective was to back fill it with saltwater to kill those nasty mud snails.

    Thanks to everyone!

  9. tapirgal Says:

    Ciel said it perfectly!

    And yes, I'll show pix from around Coffenbury Lake - when it stops raining and the mud dries up a bit. Unless I can find some in the archives.

  10. Rob Says:

    Amazing the things we find thrown out below the surface.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    what a muddy mess & what an idiot to throw that in a lake!

  12. Anonymous Says:

    btw, why did they drain Capitol Lake? I scrolled down a ways to see if I could find a story about it, but didn't see one.

  13. Very pretty.

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