The cold weather really had a beautiful effect on this fountain at the Cambridge Court apartments in West Olympia.
Thank you Lauren for pointing this one out!
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Very cool, literally.
WOW! very cool! hope the pipes don't freeze and bust =) or maybe that's just a concern down here...
re: my sunset, thanks! this was actually taken with my point and shoot samsung camera. so far my night photos with the nikon are blurry, but i'm working on it =)
This is really pretty! A frozen beauty!
Frozen in time--love it!! I have some frozen fountain photos too. they are just so pretty. MB
I'll say! And you did a nice job of photographing it, too. The lighting is beautiful.
The lights and ice are perfect. What a great Christmassy shot.
Nice shot. It would fit right in here this morning as it is only -15° outside.
Cool in every sense of the word!
The frozen water makes for a nice shot. Hopefully it doesn't damage the fountain too much. Have a great weekend.
It sure did! That's pretty.
Yikes! It's pretty, but I'm wondering if maybe the pipes freeze up also?
gogouci: To the touch!
brian: I have trouble with certain night shots too. I guess it's just practice, practice, practice.
~Cheryl: Thank you much.
Small City Scenes: Make sure and post a couple. I'd love to see them.
tapirgal: Thank you. I was pretty happy when I saw the lighting too. I got lucky again.
PS: Got your email. Thanks Sheryl.
AB: Thank you. A friend of my wife passed by here and threatened me. She said I'd better stop and photograph it. I did what any smart man would do. Followed orders. ;-)
Abraham Lincoln: Boy, I guess it would fit in where you are. Stay safe Abe.
cieldequimper: This was only a block from the Capitol Mall here in Oly. You may know about where that is.
Sally in WA: Thanks for stopping by Sally. Enjoy your weekend too.
Lois: Thank you Lois.
Jacob: I know mine would. The water was still trickling so we'll see.
Ooh! Fantastic!
Something I will never see here, unless it were an ice sculpture.
That is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE the ice fountain!