Today my wife and I drove out to Yelm which is about 20 miles southeast of Olympia. The reason, my wife is a closet rock hound and the Nisqually Valley Rockhound Society was holding a rock and gem show at Yelm Middle School. I have to admit I walked in there the newbie so to speak. My wife can tell you the name and origin of about 90% of what was there, where I can only identify a few common rocks. Out in the parking lot there were the typical traveling retired couples with their displays set out along side their RV's, then inside the school's gym were the rest of the vendors with their goods beautifully displayed with bright lights showing off the many colors and varieties. Besides this magnificent amethyst we brought home tiger's eye, a large quartz crystal, a selenite crystal, red jasper, iron zebra jasper and a signed book on gem trees. Toward the end, I think I figured out why I was along as I ended up carrying the bag of rocks. I now lean to the right and have one arm longer than the other.
S:ta Clara
1 day ago
She's a beaut. Sounds like you had a bounty to choose from too. We have a 5-gallon bucket of thunder eggs we dug out of the desert last year that are still waiting to be cut open. I know too well how heavy a sack of rocks can get.
Oooh, amethyst. Lovely. I think it was worth ending up with one arm longer than the other :)
LOL! Your wife and I have the same tactic ;)
Goodness, all I know in that list is the tiger's eye and this amethyst. Your photo is just wonderful!
So funny! Lois loves rocks, too, and after visiting Colorado the car barely moves down the highway, and I've got to hold on to the luggage out the window 'cause there ain't no room nowhere due to the rocks!
But I've got to admit, some of them, like the one pictured here, are truly gorgeous. I'm not sure they have curative properties, but hey, sometimes just believing something can help...
Great post!
Your amethyst photo is very nice. I read your post and was reminded of our adventures to places where we could mine gem stones ourselves in North Carolina. We came back with rubies and jade and the dark blue stone and others whose names slip my mind. Had big plans to mount all of the stuff but it is still here in little paper bags that we put it on years ago.
Beautiful photo! I too am a little rocky on my facts, glad you two had a fun time!
My father has a huge amethyst at home (probably 15x20 centimetres) but this one is much, much nicer! Beautiful macro!
That amethyst is lovely! You are a good husband.
Thanks everyone.
I was happy to go and lend my muscles. This is something my wife really enjoys. That's good enough for me.
P.S. Okay Lois, I'm blushing now. :-}
Maybe, you should bring twice as many stones home. Then both your arms would be stretched to the same length.