SkyWatch Friday - Evening Comes

Friday, February 26, 2010

This shot taken just as my wife was getting off work a few days ago. Take Mother Nature, add a little Orton-ish treatment and there you have it, my SkyWatch Friday contribution.

For more SkyWatch shots click the link below.

Skywatch Friday


  1. OooOoOoO!!! That is spooky yet beautiful--all at the same time.

    The county has started paying certain farmers to grow a cover crop the birds will love so they stay on certain fields instead of roaming all over---doesn't always work though. MB

  2. Wonderful shot of the sky with the pinkish cloud and the moon - quite etheral. Enjoy your weekend.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  3. tapirgal Says:

    It's beautiful!

  4. Shubd Says:

    Lovely the way the moon stands way above the clouds .. rather romantic .

    Happy SWF.. have a great weekend.

  5. Stevenson Q Says:

    Hello Olympia! It;s my first time here and I really loved it! The Skywatch post look very very Magical! It's like on a scene at Aladdin while they're on the Magic Carpet Ride :D


  6. Lowell Says:

    Nicely done, Don. Ain't it fun to play? Came out spooky!

    Re: spam - we went for months with no spam at all; then, wham, we really were getting hit.

    I don't like word verification, but I like spam even less.

  7. Lois Says:

    That is just gorgeous Don!

  8. A little what treatment? Oh I don't really care, it's just so beautiful!

  9. Yolanda Says:

    Heavenly! Very nice orton effect!

  10. Linnea Says:

    Perfect timing. I took some shots of the full moon the other night too. This one exudes quite a nocturnal mood!

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